Doll Bones Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Boys had been hassling her every since she'd hit ten, gotten curves, and started looking a lot older than she was. (1.23)

Alice hit puberty a bit early, and she's taken a lot of guff from guys ever since. Many of the male figures in Doll Bones behave badly in one way or another.

Quote #2

His father loved that Zach was on the basketball team. […] He didn't like that Zach played with girls after school instead of shooting hoops with the older kids a couple of blocks over. (2.6)

Zach's father is really into manly man stuff. For men. You know, not girls. Somebody might want to tell this guy that girls play basketball, too…

Quote #3

"Your dad was brought up by a very strict man and, as much as he hates it, he acts like his father sometimes. It's what he knows, honey." (3.7)

Zach's mother tries to explain where his father is coming from—and where he's coming from is a tough childhood of his own. Ways of being a man get passed down from generation to generation, it seems.