Don Quixote Characters

Meet the Cast

Don Quixote

The MadmanTake a look at Don Quixote as a whole, and you'll see that our protagonist spends less than 0.5% of the thing in his right mind. From the beginning, we hear that he is a country gentleman...

Dulcinea del Toboso

The FantasyFor starters, let's just clear the air. Dulcinea del Toboso is not a real person, and she never actually makes an appearance in all of Don Quixote.However, the lovely lady does exist as...

Rocinante and Dapple

They don't have any lines, but apart from Don Quixote and Sancho, the horse Rocinante and the donkey Dapple are the only other characters who are present during all of the book's adventures.Rocinan...

The Curate

The curate is a local clergyman who lives in Don Quixote's village. For Part 1 of the book, he is really the only close friend of Don Quixote who is just as educated as Quixote himself. Being a rel...

Sansón Carrasco

When Sansón Carrasco first steps onto the scene, we get the feeling that we're not going to like him. The narrator describes him by saying he is "one that would delight in nothing more than making...

The Duke and Duchess

The Duke and Duchess are basically a couple of pranksters with too much time on their hands.They take so much joy in manipulating others, in fact, that they are almost crazy themselves. As the narr...


Cardenio is your typical hopeless romantic, maybe even more so than the big Don Q.—and that's saying something. It's actually pretty funny to see this guy living in the wilderness and surviving o...


If Cardenio was our mountain man, then Dorotea is our mountain woman. She's also living in the mountains as a result of love trouble: she's been deceived by the dastardly Don Fernando, who has not...

The Captain

It seems like everyone in Don Quixote has a pretty long story to tell, and the dude known only as "the captain" is no exception. He shows up one evening at an inn with the love of his life, a Moori...


Altisidora is a fifteen-year-old girl working in the service of the Duke and Duchess, who host Don Quixote and Sancho at their castle in Part 2 of the novel. Altisidora is a prankster who wants in...

Teresa (Juana) Panza

Somewhere along the line, Cervantes forgets the name of Sancho's wife. In Part 1 of the book, we see that her name is Juana (; but throughout Part 2, it's clear that her name is Teresa. Oh...

Doña Rodriguez

Doña Rodriguez is one of the Duchess's senior ladies-in-waiting, but she wasn't born a servant. She actually comes from a high-class family. But the unexpected deaths of both her parents required...