The Fall of the House of Usher

The Fall of the House of Usher


by Edgar Allan Poe

Reading Quizzes

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Sample of Reading Quizzes

Reading Quiz


1. What's the narrator's name?
2. Who's he going to go see?
3. What is the Usher home like?
4. What does the Usher family value?
5. What's happening to the Usher family?
6. What's wrong with Roderick?
7. What's wrong with Madeline?
8. What does Roderick believe about his house?
9. What news does Roderick break to the narrator?
10. When the narrator sees Madeline, what does he think?
11. What might actually be happening to Madeline?
12. What do Roderick and his friend do with Madeline's body?
13. What does the narrator learn about Roderick and Madeline's relationship?
14. Why do Roderick and the narrator wind up talking to each other on the dark and stormy night?
15. What is the weird thing about the narrator's reading of the book?
16. What is Roderick's reaction to these noises?
17. What do they see when the doors swing open?
18. When Madeline collapses into Roderick's arms, what happens to Roderick?
19. What does the narrator do upon seeing all this craziness?
20. What happens to the house of Usher?


1. We have no clue.
2. His childhood friend, Roderick Usher
3. Old, grand, and spooky.
4. The arts and culture
5. They're dying out.
6. He seems to be mentally ill, and he has heightened senses.
7. She suffers from catalepsy (she has seizures), and is near death.
8. He believes that it has a will and can influence him.
9. That Madeline has died
10. That she's dead
11. She may have had a seizure.
12. They entomb her under the house.
13. They are twins and they have an otherworldly bond.
14. They can't sleep.
15. All the noises from the story are coming to life below the mansion.
16. He starts flipping his lid. He's really losing his mind. He believes he's buried Madeline alive.
17. A bloody Madeline.
18. He dies with her—we guess from fright.
19. He leaves, understandably terrified.
20. It cracks in two and sinks into the murky depths of the water.