Fallen Angels Chapter 21 Summary

  • Gossip time: Brunner is given the option to transfer to somewhere else in Vietnam, but he doesn't take it. Rumor has it he wants to get promoted.
  • Perry goes to church with two other guys, and it feels good and comforting. He plays some volleyball. It's almost as if he's starting to enjoy life again…
  • …but it's the Vietnam War, so that doesn't last. His squad gets orders to check out a river that's supposed to have Vietcong activity. Just to make things tougher, Stewart wants them to try to take some prisoners.
  • Minor shakeup: Gearhart's leading a different group, so Brunner's the squad leader.
  • When they arrive at the river, things feel pretty dangerous. Brunner orders Walowick and Lobel to walk up to a ridge with the rest of the guys covering them, which can only mean they'll fire back if the first guys get killed. No one's there, though, and they make it back down. Whew.
  • Monaco spots the first Vietcong standing in the water. Johnson shoots him, and then they realize there are a bunch of guys between reeds in the water. It's like hide-and-seek, but a tad riskier.
  • They back up and shoot and throw grenades at the water.
  • One of the Vietcong soldiers dashes out of the water, and Lobel shoots him. He realizes it's the first guy he's shot up close. Um, congrats?
  • The squad heads toward a landing zone, and Peewee and Perry are ordered to check a ridge.
  • To get there, they have to cross a stream, but neither of them can swim. So that's stressful. Where are those little floaty wings when you need them?
  • They reach the ridge and hear shooting below them, where the rest of their guys are. They hit the ground to avoid being seen (or shot).
  • What happened to the rest of the men? Oh, the suspense.