Fallen Angels Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"The way I figure it, we got to stick together over here." He had three rings on the hand he waved in the air. "I can't trust no whitey to watch my back when the deal goes down." (2.29)

This unnamed guy Perry and Peewee meet is a little intense, what with wanting them to swear a blood oath and everything. But his wariness of white people doesn't come from nowhere. Perry and Peewee don't know it yet, but they're going to face prejudiced soldiers (::cough::Brunner::cough::) later during their time in Vietnam, and they're no strangers to discrimination having grown up in segregated America. Blood may be taking it a bit far, but racism is real and dangerous in this book.

Quote #2

"That is a f** solution, only capable of coming from the mind of a f**," Brunner said.
"Hey Corporal," Lobel got up on one elbow. "Just because I don't have my serial number tattooed on my genitals does not mean I'm a f**." (4.58-59)

Quote #3

"These g***s will probably be having supper with the VIETCONG by the time we sit down to chow," Brunner said.
"How come when you say 'g***s' it sounds like 'n*****' to me?" Johnson asked. (4.117-118)

Johnson has a point. Both words are racist slurs that have origins in American imperialism. And they're both not very polite.