Fathers and Sons True or False

1. Whom does Arkady ask his father if they can house? -> A stray dog
2. With whom does Nikolai have a child? -> A former servant
3. Bazarov is a nihilist, which is what? -> Someone who believes that he is existing on a higher plane than the rest of mankind
4. What did Pavel used to be? -> A woman, and a darn good-looking one at that
5. What is the issue about which Madame Kukshin is very passionate but which doesn’t interest Bazarov? -> Women’s rights
6. What happens when Bazarov declares his love to Anna? -> She tells him that the feelings are mutual
7. Whom do Bazarov and Arkady visit? -> Arkady’s birth mother
8. For whom does Arkady realize he has feelings? -> Katya
9. What happens in the duel between Bazarov and Pavel? -> Bazarov shoots Pavel in the leg
10. What is the cause of Bazarov’s death? -> He dies as a result of the gunshot wound he received in the duel
