I Am the Messenger Part 2 / Chapter 6 Summary

the stones

  • Ed goes about his mundane life. He drives, drops the cab off, walks home, has a coffee with the Doorman, then goes and plays cards with his friends. Repeat.
  • He's thinking about the next card, but he doesn't even know where to begin; even when he's playing cards, his mind wanders to the Ace of Clubs.
  • Marv mentions that chick he used to date—Suzanne Boyd—and Ed wants to ask more about her, but he doesn't. Why? He's not really sure what to say.
  • Then Ed asks Marv what he would do if he had to be somewhere right now, but didn't know where. Marv isn't much help (who would be with that question?) and says he'd be frustrated.
  • Ed starts searching for the stone of home on maps, but it's no good; then he reads to Milla and watches Sophie run again.
  • One night he picks up a guy in his cab at 4 a.m. who asks to be driven home. Ed isn't really sure where that is, but the guy is demanding.
  • Ed drives, and thinks this guy is connected to the messages. The man tells Ed to pull over, then runs off without paying—so naturally, Ed follows him to get his money for the ride.
  • As Ed is chasing after the guy, he worries someone will steal his cab—he left the keys inside, so he's practically begging for it.
  • He stops running, though, when he sees stones that he used to run past with his brother, Tommy. They have three names carved in them: Thomas O'Reilly, Angie Carusso, and Gavin Rose. Bingo.
  • Back at the car, Ed's cab is still there, and the keys are too. Phew.