I Am the Messenger Part 3 / Chapter K Summary

the last reel

  • On the screen there are familiar faces. The town Ed's from; the Rose boys beating him up; Ed in the library; Glory Road; Bell Street; darkness.
  • Then words pop up on the screen: "Trying times for Ed Kennedy. Well done, Ed. Time to move on." Talk about cryptic.
  • Bernie and Audrey think they should keep watching Cool Hand Luke to take his mind off it, but Ed's just not sure what to feel. He thinks back over what Bernie said about this whole thing being planned… and then he realizes: they're already there.
  • He sees them all around him, just as Luke from the movie screams "Where are you now?"
  • That's when he sees the card. This time, it's the Ace of Hearts.
  • Ed keeps watching the movie.