The Interpretation of Dreams Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Interpretation of Dreams.

Language and Communication Quotes

The first of these procedures considers the extent of the dream as a whole and seeks to replace it by another content which is intelligible and in certain respects analogous to the original one. Th...

Ambition Quotes

But when I came to consider all of these, they could all be collected into a single group of ideas and labeled, as it were, "concern about my own and other people's health—professional conscienti...

Family Quotes

In connection with the three women I thought of the three Fates who spin the destiny of man, and I knew that one of the three women—the inn-hostess in the dream—was the mother who gives life, a...

Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

He had at that time confided some ideas to me on the subject of the chemistry of the sexual processes, and had mentioned among other things that he believed that one of the products of sexual metab...

Memory and the Past Quotes

All the material making up the content of a dream is in some way derived from experience, that is to say, has been reproduced or remembered in the dream—so much at least we may take for granted....

Repression Quotes

We therefore tell him that the success of the psycho-analysis depends on his noticing and reporting whatever comes into his head and not being misled, for instance, into suppressing an idea because...

Religion Quotes

An example of this procedure is to be seen in the explanation of Pharaoh's dream propounded by Joseph in the Bible. The seven fat kine followed by seven lean kine that ate up the fat kine—all thi...

Friendship Quotes

Otto had in fact told me that during his short stay with Irma's family he had been called in to a neighbouring hotel to give an injection to someone who had suddenly felt unwell. These injections r...