Jumped Themes

Jumped Themes


Even though the violence in Jumped only really occurs on one page at the end of the story, the threat of violence and effects of violence permeate the whole book. Violence is, to Dominique, a solut...


Some people survive high school by taking center stage, but others just want to disappear in the crowd. And life is sure a lot easier flying under the radar. Take Leticia in Jumped. Nothing is ever...

Women and Femininity

It's hard to be a girl in Jumped. In the novel, girls are expected to be flighty, fashion-conscious, and socially adept. And high school is a dangerous place to break these expectations. Trina is a...

Respect and Reputation

Anyone who's ever set foot in high school knows the importance of reputation. We may have tried to avoid the drama, rumor-mongering, and gossip that comes part and parcel with the high school exper...

Society and Class

In many ways, the social workings of high school prepare us for how life beyond high school works. There are the haves, the have nots, and everyone who falls in between. Unfortunately, high school...

Lies and Deceit

Lies to friends. Lies to teachers. Lies to oneself. Jumped is full of half-truths, lies of omission, and straight up lies. Most difficult of all to untangle are the lies the narrators tell themselv...


Jumped seems like it's a cautionary tale about violence in schools, but it's really a novel about the choices the characters make. Probably one of the most obvious choices is Leticia's decision to...

Versions of Reality

Throughout Jumped, we get three distinct versions of reality. And each one is unreliable. Trina thinks that she's more popular than she actually is, Leticia shirks any form of personal accountabili...