Trina Timeline and Summary


Trina Timeline and Summary

  • Trina gets to school early to drop off her art for Black History Month.
  • She passes between Dominique and Dominique's two friends in the corridor, and then she speeds to Biology where AP Shelton stops her and tells her that the pink warm-up suit she's wearing is inappropriate.
  • Trina shakes him off and goes to class, trying to keep up with the note taking.
  • In English class, Trina gets the journal prompt, "With ____ I am complete." Instead of trying to write her real thoughts, though, she just writes that her life is all good. What a cop-out.
  • During homeroom, Trina goes to see her art posted in the hallway and passes Dominique, who is trying to talk to a teacher.
  • At lunch, Trina stomps with the Boosters, uninvited.
  • While she's eating lunch, Trina thinks about what she calls "boy-girls," a.k.a. really athletic girls, and she wonders why Scotty is with Dominique.
  • In the hallway, as she's saying hey to people, Trina thinks about how she ended up at this high school—she transferred for the art program and loves it to pieces.
  • Outside the gallery, Trina explains how she made her art to Ivan, who is skeptical of its value. The two go into class, and they sketch one another in black charcoal; Trina is not pleased with the lack of color.
  • After school, Trina walks out the door, and Dominique attacks her. Trina is knocked out and taken to the hospital.
  • When Ivan visits Trina in the hospital, we find out that she's in a coma and her art is still up at school.
  • When Leticia watches the news program we find out that Trina has transferred schools again, she needs reconstructive surgeries, and she suffers from brain damage and has delayed speech. Terrible.