Missing May Resources


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Feeling close to Cynthia Rylant? You can learn more about the author and even write to her by visiting her official website.

Articles and Interviews

Life According to Ms. Rylant...

Rylant says that when she first found out she was going to be published, the first person she told was the mailman who delivered the letter.

"Study in Grief"

Publisher's Weekly calls Missing May a "study in grief." Oof—that's some heavy stuff for a children's book, don't you think?


You Own a Cassette Player, Right?

Do you young whippersnappers even remember what an audio cassette is? Well, dust off Mom and Dad's old player, because you can still order Missing May on cassette.


Look, Up in the Sky

Just by looking at the cover of Missing May, you'd think that it was a book about sky-gazing hobbyists.

Woman's Best Friend

Cynthia Rylant is a pretty outdoorsy lady. Here's the author and an unnamed dog.