Moon Over Manifest True or False

1. Who says, "Why, you little... Arctic glacial water, you said. Makes a polar bear smell good, does it? It smells, all right, and I'm sure Pearl Ann would agree"? -> Ned
2. Who says, "Pah, what does one need with a stick? All one needs is eyes and ears. The earth speaks loud enough when it wants to be heard"? -> Judge Carlson
3. Who says, "Good morning, class. I see you've had ample time to meet your new classmate and welcome her with tales of dead bodies and dens of iniquity"? -> Ivan DeVore
4. Who says, "Besides, as president of the DAR, it is my responsibility to ensure the suitability of anything going before the president of the United States. Involvement of someone of your profession would be inappropriate, to say the least"? -> Miss Sadie
5. Who says, "Now, I'm going to need double the amount by tomorrow, or I'll shut you down"? -> Sheriff Dean
