The One and Only Ivan Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #1

I am mightier than any human, 400 pounds of pure power. (how I look.17)

Ivan knows he is bigger and more powerful than humans, yet he is helpless. Is this mental containment, physical containment, or both?

Quote #2

With enough time, you can get used to anything. (the loneliest gorilla in the world.100)

Is there a difference between acceptance and giving up?

Quote #3

They seem to find it odd, the sight of a gorilla staring at tiny human in a box.

[…] Isn't the way they stare at me […] just as strange? (tv.102-103)

Ivan lives in a box and is stared at by humans, sometimes while staring at humans on television, which is a box in its own right. Feeling a little dizzy? Hop on over to the "Symbols" section for more on television.