The Orange Houses Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

These Americans were wonderful people. She was hesitant at first to answer their questions, to accept Mik's invitation. But now she was glad she came. Back in the camps she told herself she would be fine on her own, but now she knew she had been lying to herself. She missed her sister. (10.13) 

There's no doubt about it: Fatima is independent and strong. But even go-getters like Fatima need friends, and here she confesses how much she misses her sis back home and wants to hang out with Mik for the company. 

Quote #2

Life was getting complicated. Now she had three friends to worry about. She gave him half her PBJ. They ate in silence. (24.15) 

After Gale gives her the pen, Mik thinks about the fact that she went from zero to three friends super fast. She might complain about it here, but we know she was getting lonely before Gale, Jimmi, and Fatima came into her life. Bonus: Friends come with gifts like a swanky pen. 

Quote #3

Crew Shanelle rolled up the sidewalk. "Deaf b**** can't get no real friends, she stuck with a Zulu terrorist." Shanelle got in Fatima's face. "You ain't nothin'." (27.31) 

Shanelle is certainly mean, but she's not all together wrong about Mik—she didn't have any friends before the novel begin. Even NaNa casually makes fun of her for being lonely. We can't help but wonder if we get this info to see just how far Mik has come with her new BFFs.