The Orange Houses Resources


Meet the Author

Griffin's own website with all the dish about his latest projects. 

ASL for Everyone

Want to try your hand at sign language? This site has all sorts of freebies to get your started.

Articles and Interviews

Teen Interview

The author sits down with Emma Kate for an exclusive interview. 

Interrogation Room

We're not saying Griffin was hurt in the interrogation room, but he definitely spills his secrets here. 


Literary Sighting

Griffin talks to youngsters about his books in a workshop-meets-reading atmosphere. 

Booksource Visit

The author chats about his books and what it's like to be a writer with some lucky kids. 

Trailer Park

A fan-made trailer for the book. 


Orange Houses

This pic shows the type of place Mik lives. 

Home Sweet Home

Mik's hometown of Bronx, NYC.

Judge Me

We'll let you judge this book by its cover.