Parable of the Sower Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Parable of the Sower.

Philosophical Viewpoints Quotes

Prodigy is, at its essence, adaptability and persistent, positive obsession. Without persistence, what remains is an enthusiasm of the moment. Without adaptability, what remains may be channeled in...

Change Quotes

All that you touchYou Change.All that you ChangeChanges you.The only lasting truthIs Change.GodIs Change. (1.Verse.1-8)

Religion Quotes

At least three years ago, my father's God stopped being my God. His church stopped being my church. And yet, today, because I'm a coward, I let myself be initiated into that church. I let my father...

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

"Space could be our future," I say. I believe that. As far as I'm concerned, space exploration and colonization are among the few things left over from the last century that can help us more than t...

Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

I can't do a thing about my hyperempathy, no matter what Dad thinks or wants or wishes. I feel what I see others feeling or what I believe they feel. Hyperempathy is what the doctors call an "organ...

Community Quotes

Civilization is to groups what intelligence is to individuals. It is a means of combining the intelligence of many to achieve ongoing group adaptation.Civilization, like intelligence, may serve wel...

Poverty Quotes

Crazy to live without a wall to protect you. Even in Robledo, most of the street poor—squatters, winos, junkies, homeless people in general—are dangerous. They're desperate or crazy or both. Th...

Slavery Quotes

Anyone KSF hired would have a hard time living on the salary offered. In not very much time, I think the new hires would be in debt to the company. That's an old company-town trick—get people int...

Perseverance Quotes

Prodigy is, at its essence, adaptability and persistent, positive obsession. Without persistence, what remains is an enthusiasm of the moment. Without adaptability, what remains may be channeled in...

Race Quotes

Our other adult Guardian was Joanne's father Jay. He's a good guy and a good shot. Dad likes to work with him, although sometimes there are problems. The Garfields and the Balters are white, and th...