The Rules of Survival Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

As I write this, you are nine years old, too young to be told the full and true story of our family's past, let alone be exposed to my philosophizing about what it all meant. (P.1)

Even though Emmy has lived through the same events as her older siblings, she doesn't really know what their family life was like when she was a tiny tot. Matthew's writing it all down… perhaps so that she'll never get nostalgic and miss their mother.

Quote #2

And frankly, we kids were trying hard, too. We covered up for her, and we also did our best to surround Murdoch with appreciation and, well, love. We wanted him to want to be with us. We wanted him to want us. (9.3)

Murdoch is just some guy off the street, but the Walsh kids have pinned all their hopes and dreams on him. If they can just get him to be a part of their family, maybe everything will be okay.

Quote #3

I had never asked him directly before to take us all away. To keep that $1,800 and use it so we could all be together, away from Nikki. I could help a lot, I thought. It wouldn't be like I was asking Ben to take care of three small children by himself. (13.21)

Ben may dutifully send in his child support check every month, but he hasn't been a very active father in the kids' lives. Maybe he should step it up and start protecting them… or at least seeing them occasionally.