Sense and Sensibility

Sense and Sensibility


by Jane Austen

Challenges & Opportunities

Available to teachers only as part of the Teaching Sense and Sensibility Teacher Pass

Teaching Sense and Sensibility Teacher Pass includes:

  • Assignments & Activities
  • Reading Quizzes
  • Current Events & Pop Culture articles
  • Discussion & Essay Questions
  • Challenges & Opportunities
  • Related Readings in Literature & History

Sample of Challenges & Opportunities

Jane Austen can be considered the social commentator of the 19th century (and not just to the ever-faithful cast of Austenland). She makes observations over here, throws in a relevant joke over there. Her novels give readers the inside scoop on what it was like to live during her time. Austen explores society, family life, and love—all while explaining women's expectations in all these arenas. Additionally, Austen's overarching theme is examining a struggle we all face: emotion vs. logic. The question is, is one better than the other?

Despite all these virtues, some students might consider Sense and Sensibility a grade "A" bore. Jane Austen and her formal 19th-century vocabulary and writing style may be just vague enough to confuse half of the class, and rhythmic enough to put the other half to sleep. If your students can keep their eyes open just long enough, they'll discover that Austen has a gloriously sarcastic sense of humor. Once your students get a knack for her deadpan style of writing, they'll have fun unearthing the humor she weaves into the scenes.