Shantaram Chapter 28 Summary

  • At the girls' apartment, Lin finds Maurizio on the floor with a knife in his back and Ulla with a cut on her face.
  • Abdullah comes, too, and says that Hassaan will be there in an hour.
  • Ulla freaks out and Abdullah calms her down. It turns out that Modena had given her the stolen money, and that Maurizio had come to the hotel where they were to get it. Maurizio tortured Modena, but after not finding Ulla or the money, left the scene. When it was all over, Ulla fled and left Modena tied to the bed.
  • Abdullah calls a friend to have them look for Modena, and Lin demands the money.
  • Hassaan shows up and begins cleaning up the scene of the crime. Lisa and Ulla retreat to the bathroom.
  • Lin tries to pay Hassaan with the money, but he won't take it. Now they're even.
  • Maurizio's body disappears with Hassaan.
  • Ulla leaves the city, Lisa moves out of the apartment, and the issue is pretty much resolved—except for the question of Modena. Lin becomes obsessed with the poor, abandoned guy.
  • Weeks later, Prabaker comes to Lin with a serious problem. He wants to know if he will be a sexy enough husband for his future wife. Lin reassures him.
  • He goes for a walk in the night and ends up at the Arthur Road Prison. He asks to visit his old buddy Anand and tells him all about the newspaper article that will drum up support for him.
  • Anand says that he doesn't want the help; he wants to take his punishment.
  • Lin agrees to back off and goes home.