Sideways Stories From Wayside School Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The children didn't know what to do. They didn't have a teacher. Even though Mrs. Gorf was mean, they didn't think it was right to leave her as an apple. But none of them knew how to wiggle their ears. (1.32)

This is a choice most elementary school kids never have to make, and thankfully Louis shows up at just the right moment to save the students from having to decide Mrs. Gorf's fate. What do you think they would have done without him?

Quote #2

Dana was so upset that she forgot to thank him. Myron didn't mind. He thought that was what being class president was all about. (8.26)

Myron's story is all about making good choices. He helps Dana save her puppy simply because he thinks it's his job as class president, but is that really why he does it? Myron is a great listener and a very good friend, and even though he loses his job as president because of his choices, his heart is in the right place.

Quote #3

It was just a simple matter of being able to think clearly. That was all. Paul thought it over and decided not to pull one. It was as simple as that. (10.18)

Paul's chapter is also about making choices, but it's about making the wrong choices. Even though Paul decides not to pull Leslie's dangling pigtails, which hover temptingly in front of him, his arm makes a different decision and pulls Leslie's pigtail anyway. Too bad, Paul.