Sideways Stories From Wayside School Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

They were quite a pair. Their teamwork was remarkable. Bebe drew pictures as fast as Calvin could pick up the old paper and set down the new—a fish, an apple, three cherries, bing, bing, bing. (6.16)

Bebe and Calvin are perfectly matched, the Batman and Robin of the art room. Calvin is perfectly happy to be Bebe's assistant because he thinks he's no good at art, and Bebe loves having Calvin's help. Even though Bebe ultimately decides to stop drawing so quickly, Bebe and Calvin make a great team because they have the same goal: to make fabulous art.

Quote #2

Then Dameon smiled too. His smile was almost as big as D.J.'s. They were best friends. (16.6)

It seems to make perfect sense that the two kids in class with the biggest smiles are best friends, doesn't it? Here's an example of two kids who probably have compatible personalities.

Quote #3

Joe was John's best friend. He could stand on John's head. Every time John fell over, Joe stood on his head. After all, what are best friends for? (17.11)

One of the funniest (and truest) statements about friendship in the book—illustrating that elementary school friendships can be wonderful and painful at the same time. What are friends for, if not to stand on your head after you fall over? Seriously.