Something Happened Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Something Happened? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Slocum claims that _______ runs in his family.

Q. The storeroom at the auto insurance agency where Slocum had his first job represents:

the passing of time
being unanimous in a large city
dead people being filed away and forgotten
first love and youthful bliss
Q. Slocum's wife does what during the day when she's home alone?

Engages in extramarital affairs
Drinks until she is drunk
Takes care of Derek
Occupies herself with menial tasks
Q. What is the office dynamic at Slocum's workplace?

Everybody is happy and content
Every person works hard
Everyone is afraid of each other
Everyone experiences job security
Q. Slocum frequently experiences dreams about which of the following?

His son's death
Conversations with Derek
Sleeping with Virginia
His wedding day