Splendors and Glooms Chapter 9 Summary

The Other Time

  • After the policemen leave, Lizzie Rose is heartbroken by Clara's disappearance, but Parsefall just says that he's hungry. She sends him out with a threepence to get some bread and milk.
  • She goes to talk to Mrs. Pinchbeck, their theatrical landlady. Lizzie Rose knows she'll have to calm the woman down after the fright she's had with the policemen.
  • Mrs. Pinchbeck is lying on the sofa when Lizzie Rose enters, and she immediately acts like she's been through some kind of terrible ordeal. Lizzie Rose plays along, fawning over her and asking Mrs. Pinchbeck if she's okay.
  • Mrs. Pinchbeck continues on with her tale of how the policemen treated her terribly, all while taking little sips of gin. Mrs. Pinchbeck is quite the drinker.
  • Then, she says that the police think Grisini kidnapped Clara, but they won't find anything—after all, they didn't find anything the last time.
  • Lizzie Rose is startled and asks Mrs. Pinchbeck what she means. That's when the woman says that some years ago, a little boy went missing after seeing Grisini's show.
  • That time, everyone thought Grisini had something to do with it, too, but eventually the little boy came home again—though he was never the same after that.
  • In the middle of the story, Parsefall barges into the house again with all of the dogs. Lizzie Rose scoops up Ruby while Parsefall holds out the delicious new bread.
  • To their delight, Mrs. Pinchbeck tells them that they can have some dripping (which is like lard) with their bread. The kids are totally thrilled; it's a bit of a feast for them.
  • During all this, Clara sleeps. She has no dreams or understanding of where she is, and she certainly has no fear. She just sleeps.