Splendors and Glooms Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Clara hesitated. She had no wish to follow Grisini into a dim and empty room, but she could think of no polite way to refuse. Close at hand, she could see how disreputable he looked. His tattered frock glistened with fog, and there was a patch of sticking plaster under his chin. (5.8)

It's clear that Grisini is the sort of man who could be dangerous, even to Clara, who is transfixed by his puppet show. She can tell he has some sort of ulterior motive in talking to her, but she doesn't know how to say no.

Quote #2

"You are weary of mourning, are you not? You want to laugh and to dance … and there is something else, yes? No, do not deny it; I can see into your deepest heart. You carry a secret, don't you, mia piccina? Something that haunts you and makes you feel you are a very wicked girl … ?" (5.30)

Grisini is a master puppeteer and can manipulate emotions easily, as though people are puppets on strings. He makes Clara feel badly about her siblings' deaths even though it wasn't her fault and she couldn't have done anything to stop it.

Quote #3

"Grisini would kill us," Parsefall said desperately. He dug his fingernails into her hand. "If we peached on him, he'd kill us. You don't know 'im the way I do." He heard his voice rise and lowered it again. "Promise me you won't go to the coppers."

Lizzie Rose gave a little shiver. She wasn't promising anything. (10.58-59)

The children aren't staying away from the cops out of loyalty to Grisini; they're just terrified of him. He has manipulated them over the course of their lives so that they will fear for their lives if they ever cross him.