Surfacing Chapter 8 Summary

  • It's the next day, and Joe and the narrator are having sex before they start their day.
  • Afterwards, the narrator gets up to prepare the fish, which has been hanging outside all night.
  • They eat the fish for breakfast. Afterwards, the narrator goes into her room to pack.
  • While she's in there, she hears David announce that he's having such a good time he wants to stay another week. Anna isn't too keen on it, but Joe is down.
  • Listening to all this, the narrator is kind of wondering why no one is bothering to ask her, since, you know, it's her family's cabin.
  • The narrator doesn't seem particularly inclined to stay, but she doesn't tell them that. She simply opens the door from her bedroom and reminds David that he'll still have to pay Evans for making the trip to get them (even though they're just going to send him back).
  • When Evans comes, she lets David and Joe handle the explanations while she hides in the outhouse. While she's in there, she thinks a lot about the past.
  • Eventually, David notices she's gone and comes to knock on the door to get her out.
  • Before lunch, she tells the others she's going for a swim. She again refers back to when her brother drowned, but this time she mentions that he didn't actually die. Whew, way to bury that lede, nameless narrator.
  • After thinking about all this, she forces herself into the cold lake.