Surfacing Resources


Online Atwood

In addition to Twitter, you can keep up with Atwood on her Web site.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Canadian Literature in One Book

Well, probably not, but Atwood wrote one of the fundamental texts theorizing Canadian literature.


Surfacing the Movie

In 3-D! Nope, just kidding. There is a movie version, though.


Another Take

Author Jill Dawson offers her perspectives on Surfacing and its legacy 30 years after it was written.

Joyce Carol Oates on Atwood in The New York Review of Books

Read Oates's take on Surfacing and other Atwood novels.


Atwood's a Poet—Did you Know It?

In addition to writing novels, literary criticism, and an opera, she's also a poet. Watch her read some of her stuff for the CBC as a young author.

Atwood Wants You To Express Yourself (Hey, Hey)

Atwood was once President of PEN Canada, an organization devoted to writers' rights to free expression.


Margaret Atwood, Literary Theorist

Listen to Margaret Atwood discuss her theories about Canadian Literature with the CBC.


"The Quiet Mata Hari" (can we get that nickname?) talks about the distinction between poetry and prose.

Graeme Gibson, Atwood's Future Partner, Interviews Her (We're Sure That Wasn't Awkward…)

Listen as fellow author Graeme Gibson interviews Atwood about writing in an old CBC piece.


Margaret Atwood with Her Father

In Northern Quebec (where the novel is set), Atwood (as a child) watches her father build a fire.

Margaret Atwood with Siblings

Another blast from the past: A young Atwood hangs out in a cabin with her siblings.

Atwood in 2013

Here's the author today(ish).