Tender is the Night Book One, Chapter Eighteen Summary

  • Dick and Rosemary party in Paris that night, and Rosemary loves it. She sees it is more opulent than any Hollywood party. She admires Dick, and marvels that he can give so much to throwing the best parties and still be so giving of himself to everyone.
  • Later she thinks of her most happy times with Dick: the time they danced, and stayed close all night.
  • The funniest time was after when Collis, Rosemary, Dick, Nicole, and the Norths played a prank at the Ritz, and then built a "waiter trap" from the lobby furniture.
  • When Abe brings up his "musical saw," Mary asks Rosemary to help her convince Abe to leave, so he can catch his train in the morning. Rosemary agrees.
  • Dick wants her to leave with him and Nicole, but she explains she can’t. Dick tries to dissuade her from helping Abe, but is unsuccessful.
  • The Norths, Rosemary, and Collis ride on a produce truck on top of carrots, and Rosemary wishes she’d gone with Dick instead; nothing is fun without him.