The Rider

Character Analysis

This guy is bad news, right from the start. He's the antagonist, Will's nemesis, and all-around bad guy in the book. Why? He's one of the Dark for one thing, purposely using his power for evil in the world. We get to see this first-hand when he threatens Will's family, kidnaps Will's sister, and tries to steal the Signs from Will. Seriously—dude just does not quit. Props for diligence, we guess.

Throughout the book, the Rider (or the Black Rider, as he's known in some of the other books in the series) is incredibly strong. In fact, he's way stronger than Will, a fact that he's all too happy to point out when he shows up at the Stantons' on Christmas day disguised as Mr. Mitothin. Fronting as Mr. Mitothin, the Rider says:

"You young fool, do you think that for all your Gift of Gramarye you can control me? Keep your place. You are not one of the masters yet. You may do things as best you can contrive, but the high powers are not for your mastering yet. And nor am I." (8.73)

Um, how about a Merry Christmas instead? The Rider is such a bad baddie that he doesn't even break for Christmas, warning Will to watch his back and showing up in hopes of learning the kid's name (so he can use it to control him). Will might be powerful one day because he's the Sign-Seeker, but right now he has nothing on the Rider, which the Rider makes crystal clear. And since the Dark's power is increasing, this only makes the Rider more powerful. Dun dun dun…