The Jilting of Granny Weatherall

The Jilting of Granny Weatherall


by Katherine Anne Porter

Reading Quizzes

Available to teachers only as part of theTeaching The Jilting of Granny WeatherallTeacher Pass

Teaching The Jilting of Granny WeatherallTeacher Pass includes:

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  • Reading Quizzes
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Sample of Reading Quizzes

Section 1


1. What's Doctor Harry doing to Granny at the beginning of the story?
2. What does Granny start doing to Doctor Harry as she insists she's not sick?
3. How does Granny feel?
4. How does Doctor Harry appear to Granny?
5. What does Granny hear the doctor doing when she closes her eyes?
6. What does Granny want to get out of the attic the next day?
7. How old is Granny?
8. What does Granny ask Cornelia to bring her?
9. What does Granny figure that Cornelia will think about her request for a hot toddy?
10. What do Granny's other children, Lydia and Jimmy, rely on her for?
11. Who does Granny think it'd be weird to see after she dies?
12. What job did Granny get after John died?
13. What does Granny remember doing with her kids?
14. What does Granny say after remembering lighting lamps with her kids?
15. What topic does Granny give advice about after saying a little prayer?
16. What image does Granny recall after giving advice about picking fruit?
17. Why didn't Granny get married?
18. What does Granny dwell on after remembering setting out a wedding cake?
19. What does Cornelia do, which shows she's struggling to hold it together, after saying that Granny's other children are on the way?
20. How does Granny describe Cornelia crying?
21. What does Granny ask Cornelia while she cries, which disturbs the daughter even more?
22. What does Granny say about the doctor when Cornelia says he's arrived?
23. What does Cornelia reveal when Granny says the doctor was with her five minutes ago?
24. Who does Granny think about first in her hallucinations?
25. What's Hapsy holding in the hallucination?
26. Who does Granny become in the hallucination?
27. Who does Hapsy become in the hallucination?
28. What happens to Hapsy after she turns into the baby?
29. After the hallucination, what does Granny tell Cornelia that she needs?
30. Why does Granny want to see George?
31. What does Father Connolly's presence remind Granny of?
32. Who does Granny recall images of after Father Connolly reminds her of George?
33. Why does Father's Connolly's presence remind Granny of George?
34. What does Granny suggest about Hapsy?
35. Why can't Granny communicate with Cornelia and Father Connolly?
36. What does Father Connolly do to Granny while she has flashbacks?
37. How and why does Granny respond to the priest tickling her feet?
38. What does Granny sense and feel while her eyes are closed?
39. What does Granny think Lydia and Jimmy have come to do?
40. Why does Granny say she can't die yet, even though Lydia and Jimmy have come to see this?
41. Who will Granny be happy to see after death?
42. What does Granny focus on, which keeps getting dimmer?
43. What specific point of light does Granny stare at?
44. What does Granny think about one more time before dying?
45. What are we told Granny did at the end of the story?


1. Taking her pulse
2. Insulting him
3. Like her bones are floating around her
4. Like he's floating around
5. Whispering about her to Cornelia
6. A box of old love letters
7. 80
8. A hot toddy
9. That her mother has totally lost it
10. Advice
11. Her late husband John
12. Digging potholes
13. Lighting lamps
14. A little prayer
15. Picking fruit
16. Herself all decked out in a white veil as she's setting out a wedding cake
17. The dude she's supposed to be marrying never shows up.
18. How horrible it felt to be left at the altar
19. She kneels down, puts her head on Granny's pillow, and seems to cry.
20. "her features were swollen and full of little puddles"
21. Whose birthday it is
22. That he was just with her five minutes ago
23. That the last time he was there was in the morning, and now it's night
24. Hapsy
25. A baby
26. Hapsy
27. The baby
28. She melts.
29. To see that George jerk who stood her up at her own wedding
30. To rub his face in how great her life turned out despite the whole jilting thing
31. George the Jilter
32. Her children
33. The priest was supposed to marry them.
34. She was one of her daughters who died at a young age.
35. They don't really seem to understand what she's saying.
36. He says something in Latin and starts tickling her feet.
37. She's totally offended as she thinks he's up to some hanky-panky.
38. She can sense light flashing and feels a "roaring."
39. Watch her die
40. She still has so much she needs to do.
41. Hapsy
42. The blue light of Cornelia's lightshade
43. One "that was herself"
44. Being jilted
45. "she stretched herself with a deep breath and blew out the light"