The Jungle Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Jungle? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is Sinclair's attitude toward the American Dream?

It's amazing and should be fostered.
Everyone can reach the American Dream.
Wake up, sheeple: the commies are trying to take over.
You better give up that pipe dream, fellas.
Q. What is Jurgis' attitude toward Ona?

She's weak and needs him to help her.
She's strong and independent.
Ona depends on no man, but he wants her to anyway.
She needs to keep cleaning.
Q. What does Jurgis think of the sexual assault Ona has endured?

He worries her baby isn't his.
He's too shocked to do anything.
He's ready for heads to roll.
He doesn't care; women are property.
Q. What kinds of behaviors does Jurgis' poverty cause him to participate in?

He gives freely of himself through volunteer work and unpaid internships.
He enjoys being with his family and is a loving member.
He becomes a male prostitute.
He becomes abusive and an alcoholic.
Q. How do different nationalities and races get along in this novel?

There are lots of misunderstandings between groups of people.
They are bosom buds as long as they all come from Europe.
The same as they get along now in modern day 'merica.
Everyone is Lithuanian in this novel, so you're trying to trick us, Shmoop.