The Jungle Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Jungle? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. After Ona and his children's deaths, how does Jurgis cope with being a widower?

He finds a way to work harder.
He finds a new wife to wed.
He leaves everyone else behind.
He kills himself to be united with them.
Q. How does Marija make money?

She runs a brothel.
She starts bootlegging.
She sells her votes.
She becomes a prostitute.
Q. How does Jurgis feel about spending his money on booze and loose women after Ona's death?

He loves it; this is truly the life.
He thinks his pops would be proud.
It doesn't bother him one way or the other.
He feels quite guilty.
Q. Jack Duane and Jurgis work together in what capacity?

They start mugging people together.
They run scams on foreigners.
They both get union members for Scully.
They both work on the killing floors.
Q. What does Jurgis find that eventually gives his life meaning?

the democratic process
his children