The Lathe of Heaven Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Lathe of Heaven.

Versions of Reality Quotes

"I'll bet it did. And that last combination dose you took was a lulu. But not, in itself, dangerous. All the same, Mr. Orr, you were doing something dangerous." He paused for effect. "You were depr...

Philosophical Viewpoints (Taoism) Quotes

Those whom heaven helps we call the sons of heaven. They do not learn this by learning. They do not work it by working. They do not reason it by using reason. To let understanding stop at what cann...

Philosophical Viewpoints (Utilitarianism) Quotes

A person is defined solely by the extent of his influence over other people, by the sphere of his interrelationships; and morality is an utterly meaningless term unless defined as the good one does...

Technology and Modernization Quotes

"You know there's two hundred sixty kids in that one complex suffering from kwashiorkor? All low-income or Basic Support families, and they aren't getting protein. And what the hell am I supposed t...

Warfare Quotes

"It keeps spreading," Orr said, feeling inadequate and despondent. "The war, I mean." (3.8)

Race Quotes

She stuck out her brown hand, he met it with a white one, just like that damn button her mother always kept in the bottom of her bead box, SCNN or SNCC or something she'd belonged to way back in th...

Love Quotes

Crash clank! went the lawyer's bracelets. The contrast amused Haber: the harsh fierce woman, the meek characterless man. They had nothing in common at all. (5.24)

Power Quotes

The creative and therapeutic resources of the brain—whether waking or sleeping or dreaming—are practically infinite. If we can just find the keys to all the locks. The power of dreaming alone i...