The Power and the Glory Resources


Graham Who?

A little biography of Graham Greene courtesy of the Guardian, with clear headings for your reading pleasure.

A Timeless Treasure

Of Time Magazine, which named The Power and the Glory one of the best all time novels. We say it's time for some reading. Hardy-har-har.

Behind the Scenes

A page briefly describing how Graham Greene wrote and revised the manuscript. Complete with deleted scenes and other behind-the-scenes features. You don't even have to buy the Blu-ray.


Lawrence Olivier as a Mexican Priest

A 1961 made-for-TV movie. The Shakespearean giant Olivier plays the priest. George C. Scott took the role of the lieutenant. Sir Ian McKellen plays the wizard. Oh wait—wrong movie.

The Original Fugitive

No, not the Harrison Ford movie, although we like that too. The Fugitive was also the name of a 1947 movie based on The Power and the Glory. Henry Fonda played the priest. Sir Ian McKellen played the magnetic mutant. WAIT—wrong movie, again. Sorry guys.


To Doubt or not to Doubt

Literary critic Joseph Pearce on the theme of doubt in Greene's works. Certainly worth reading, doubt or no doubt.

Affected by Novels

How does being a world-traveling, controversial novelist affect your standing in foreign countries? This 1971 interview in the Guardian has some fascinating tidbits. Did Greene cause international scandal? Read on to find out.

An Unconventional Catholic Novelist

In this interview in the Paris Review, Greene talks about the fates of his characters in light of his Catholic imagination, whatever that means.


On the Docks

An early scene from the movie The Fugitive, based on Greene's The Power and the Glory. The filmmakers clearly took a few liberties.

A Classic Penguin

Ian Walker from Penguin Classics talks briefly about Graham Greene's famous novel.


Graham NPR Greene

Scott Simon of NPR discusses the works of our author.

The Great Life of Graham Greene

A BBC program episode on the mysterious man that was Mr. Greene.


Young Greene

The author in the springtime of his youth.

Old Greene

The author in his not so youth.

The Book

An image of the novel. Not too exciting on the outside, but open it up and…

The Fugitive

Film poster for the movie by John Ford and with Henry Fonda, father of the Jane Fonda.