The Reivers Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

We all knew Boon's marksmanship, and with Boon shooting at Ludus, Ludus himself was safe. (1.15)

At Boon's height, he should be able to hit almost anything with a gun. Except he isn't able to even scrape an object twenty feet away. Everyone knows Boon will be unable to shoot at Ludus, and they're right: the only things he shatters are store windows by total accident.

Quote #2

Nor could we figure this: how Mr. Bullock, a meek mild almost inarticulate little man in a constant condition of unworldly great-coated dream like somnambulism—how, by what means, what mesmeric and hypnotic gifts which until now even he could not have known he possessed, he had persuaded the complete stranger to abandon his expensive toy into Mr. Bullock's charge. (2.18)

Mr. Bullock, Jefferson's resident mechanic, isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Yet it's pretty funny that he's able to convince a total stranger to leave his fancy new car in his care so that he can tinker around with it.

Quote #3

Oh yes, maybe he wasn't a negotiable paper wizard like Grandfather, and there were folks in Jefferson that would say he wasn't much of anything else either, but for this skirmish anyway he was a skirmish fighter of consummate skill and grace. (2.49)

We're talking about Boon here. He's certainly no Boss Priest, and in fact nobody is quite sure who or what he is exactly. But there's one thing everyone can agree on: dude's a good fighter, poised and everything.