The Revenger's Tragedy Act 2, Scene 2 Summary

  • Meanwhile, back at court, Lussurioso is quite happy. He's telling Hippolito how great the disguised Vindice is—just the sort of help he was looking for. Hippolito hates doing Lussurioso's dirty work for him (2.2.10-11), but apparently he feels like he can't stop.
  • Vindice comes in and Lussurioso sends Hippolito away; Vindice gives Lussurioso the news on what went down at the homestead.
  • Lussurioso says he'll be dropping by that night to see Castiza. He's hoping her mother can convince her to give him what he wants, and he promises to take good care of Vindice as a reward for his work.
  • As Lussurioso leaves to select an ugly corsage, Vindice is boiling with anger. He almost kills Lussurioso on the spot, but since Vindice doesn't want to be the kind of guy who stabs someone in the back, he waits. He has no objection to killing Vindice to his face, though, and plans to do it when he can (2.2.100-102).
  • Hippolito comes in and tells Vindice the court gossip: The Duke's wife is sleeping with her stepson, Spurio. This is pretty scandalous stuff, even by tabloid standards.
  • At that moment, Spurio comes in, but he doesn't see Hippolito and Vindice. They eavesdrop on his conversation, which turns out to be highly relevant to them. Spurio's servant knows that Lussurioso plans to seduce Castiza that evening.
  • Spurio thinks this is a great opportunity. He's planning to use this fact to disinherit Lussurioso, his legitimate half brother. It's not completely clear what he's going to do, but it sounds like he may be contemplating murder.
  • After he leaves, Vindice breaks out into a speech about the lustfulness of the Duke's court and the world in general. Vindice could totally go on talk radio—dude's got plenty to say.
  • Lussurioso comes back, and Vindice tells Hippolito to hide and listen in. Vindice, meanwhile, talks to Lussurioso. We also learn that Vindice has taken the name Piato while in disguise at the Duke's Court—it's always good to know an alter ego's name.
  • Lussurioso says he wants to seduce Castiza tonight. Vindice decides he has no way to stop Lussurioso other than to kill him, which is pretty typical reasoning in revenge tragedy, where characters aren't so keen on negotiation.
  • Then Vindice tells Lussurioso that his half-brother and the Duchess are sleeping together right then. Lussurioso is furious at the slight to his father's honor, and rushes off to confront them. Oh, revenge tragedy—daytime soap opera writers would be jealous.
  • Hippolito decides to sneak along and watch what happens.