The Revenger's Tragedy Theme of Revenge

Revenge is just as central to The Revenger's Tragedy as we'd expect from the title. Vindice is profoundly committed to revenge, but while he starts out simply trying to avenge the death of his fiancée, he progresses to trying to avenge, well, practically everyone he knows.

And he's not the only one with revenge on his mind. Antonio wants revenge for the rape of his wife, Hippolito wants to aid in both revenges, and the Duchess wants revenge for the Duke's refusal to let her son off the hook. And that's just to name a few.

Revenge is everywhere in this play. But does it satisfy? Or does it hurt the avenger, too?

Questions About Revenge

  • When a leader is corrupt, is revenge necessary to restore a just society? Use examples from the play to support your argument.
  • What is justice in this play? Is there one overarching definition of it? What does this tell you about the nature of justice, and how does it inform your understanding of revenge as a theme?
  • Can justice and revenge cohabit within one character? Use the text to support your claim.
  • Does Vindice damage his soul in the process of revenge? Or is his wide-scale revenge appropriate given the evils of the characters he's attacking?
  • Does revenge do anything for the people being avenged? Consider that the two main characters being avenged are dead.

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Revenge damages the soul of the revenger, but maybe it's necessary to society all the same.

It is clear that revenge and justice are at odds because Vindice's quest for revenge makes him so much like the Duke's family.