The Secret Sharer Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

A mysterious communication was established already between us two—in the face of that silent, darkened tropical sea. (1.39)

It's weird, but the captain-narrator feels an instant connection with Leggatt the moment he sees him swimming in the ocean. It's almost as if the captain were waiting for the perfect friend to come along, and here he is delivered right aboard the ship, quite literally out of the blue .

Quote #2

The shadowy, dark head, like mine, seemed to nod imperceptibly above the ghostly gray of my sleeping suit. It was, in the night, as though I had been faced by my own reflection in the depths of a somber and immense mirror. (1.53)

The captain feels so close to Leggatt that he sometimes thinks they're the same person. It's strange for him to feel this kind of connection, since they've barely spoken to one another. But hey, Leggatt has come along at a very lonely time in the captain's life, so the captain might be a little desperate in the friend department.

Quote #3

He appealed to me as if our experiences had been as identical as our clothes. (1.59)

The captain doesn't seem to be the only one who thinks he and Leggatt are the same person. Leggatt also speaks to him as though they have shared the same past and understand all the same references.