The Secret Sharer Resources


The Joseph Conrad Society

As you can imagine, the members of this group know a thing or two about our man Conrad.

The Joseph Conrad Society (Of America)

Apparently, folks in the U.S. wanted to make their own Joseph Conrad society. Hopefully, it didn't take a revolution for them to become independent of the British one.

Joseph Conrad at The Literature Network

A whole lot of Conrad writings are in the public domain, so check out this site and raid those texts all you want.

Movie or TV Productions

Secret Sharer (2014)

This 2014 adaptation takes more than a few liberties with the original text, but it's worth checking out.

The Secret Sharer (1967)

This version is pretty true to the original text, and if you can find a copy, by all means have a look.

Articles and Interviews

An Analysis of "The Secret Sharer" by Joseph Conrad

This article will give you a quick n' dirty rundown of the story and some background info on Joey Conrad.

Comments on "The Secret Sharer"

This short article gives the author's personal impression of the book and what sort of effect it can leave on readers. Take a look to see whether the thoughts match yours.

The Man Who Detested the Sea

Author Joyce Carol Oates gives her take on why Conrad hated the sea, even though he wrote constantly about it.


Trailer for 2014 "Secret Sharer" Film

Yes, there are some major differences between this film version and the original. But sometimes differences are more revealing than similarities.

Actors in "Secret Sharer" Discuss Making the Film

The title pretty much says it all.


Orson Welles Reads "The Secret Sharer"

It's tough to find a better reading voice than this guy's.

"The Secret Sharer" Audiobook

It ain't Orson Welles, but at least you'll still get a chance to rest your eyes.

How About Another Audiobook?

Yup, here's yet another version. Just pick the voice that sounds nicest to you and have at it.


Conrad Middle-Aged

You can see the grey creeping into the beard, but as far as Conrad photos go, this is as young as he gets.

Older Conrad

Someone needs to put this guy in an ad for moustache wax.

Rare Young Picture

Here's a picture of Joseph Conrad as a younger man. By the looks of things, the dude could grow a full beard at age ten.