The Sky is Everywhere Chapter 24 Summary

  • The poem that starts off the chapter is ominous: "the/world/is/not/a/safe/place."
  • Lennie arrives home to Toby's truck. She gets mad at a confused Gram, and then gripes that Toby is always over.
  • She tries to make him avoid her room by playing Bailey's punk music (Toby hates punk), but as you might guess, that just makes her think of Bailey.
  • She continues the search for their mom, typing in more name combinations, but doesn't find anything.
  • Lennie finds Toby outside and asks him why Bailey was looking for their mother.
  • Toby gets really upset, and eventually reveals that he and Bailey were going to have a baby.
  • The news hits Lennie hard. And, feeling terrible for Toby, they start kissing—it's kind of what Lennie does.
  • But they are caught in the act this time—by Joe.
  • Lennie tries to explain, but Joe is super upset; he tosses a sheet of music at her, a song he'd composed for her.
  • Gram holds Bailey while she cries. Turns out she knew from the autopsy that Bailey was pregnant.