The Sky is Everywhere Chapter 29 Summary

  • Lennie's poem is about how sometimes she's jealous of Sarah for having a real mom.
  • No one is home. Lennie decides to finally take the boxes of Bailey's things up to the attic.
  • She hates it up there—she thinks the abandoned things are sad, so she decides to at least put Bailey's things by the window.
  • When moving something to a shelf, Lennie finds a non-dusty box full of unsent letters from Gram to her mother.
  • Lennie reads the first few. One reveals that Paige used to sleep in the garden because she loved lilacs so much, while another references a pesto recipe that Paige once created.
  • Lennie wants Bailey to know so much that she shouts these details up to the sky.
  • Lennie wonders why Gram kept her mother from her, but then realizes thinking of her mother as a real person makes her feel even more abandoned.