Character Clues

Character Clues

Character Analysis


In this book, actions take the cake. And it's not just what characters do, but also what they don't do that tells us loads about their personalities. So we know Emma is a know-it-all because she's always boasting and putting other folks down. But we also see that Billy comes to treat her snobbery with silence instead of snapping back. And that lets us know that he's become one mature dude.

Family Life

When it comes to the Millers, we learn tons by seeing how each family member treats the others. It's easy to see that Mama is a great gal because she's always encouraging as all get-out to her hubby and kids. And when it comes to figuring out Sal's personality, we just look at how she treats her imaginary siblings, the Drop Sisters. She sure is a creative kid.


What's in a name, you ask? Well, it's the key to figuring out what a character is like, that's what. Papa goes with the flow when Billy wants to give him a new name (whaddup, Dad), and Mama does, too. Seems like they're pretty laidback parents. And the fact that Sal won't change her ways when it comes to names lets us know that she's more of the stubborn type. For more on names, be sure to check out the "Symbols" section.