Sally "Sal" Miller

Character Analysis

Sal might just be the cutest little sister in the history of ever. She's got spunk and style (hello, blueberry-stained face). And she adores her older brother, Billy. What's awesome is that by the end of the book, she becomes his little pal. Yay.

Even though Sal's only three years old, she never wants to be left out of the fun. So she dives into everything she possibly can, from writing poetry to making a snazzy diorama or even reading Mama's favorite book:

Sal bent over and grabbed a book from a stack on the porch. "I can read Mama's favorite book," she said. She held up a worn paperback copy of Pride and Prejudice.

"You can't read that book," said Billy. The book was definitely for adults.

"Yes, I can," said Sal. "Watch. I know the words a and I." (1.4.19-21)

Oh yeah, Sal wants to grow up just as fast as she can. She's even got the gusto to try reading a hefty book like Pride and Prejudice, even if she can only recognize two teeny tiny words. But hey, Sal's passion lets us know just how much she wants to be included in every activity. This gal may be small, but she's got a huge personality and the drive to be as cool as she can be.