The Yearling Chapter 11 Summary

  • Jody starts begging his Ma for a fawn, but she doesn't want to hear it.
  • Penny decides to take him on a deer hunt (to cure him of wanting a fawn?), and stop into town to do some trading afterwards. Then they'll visit Grandma Hutto, an old family friend.
  • On their way, they see some adorable little bear cubs, and Jody desperately wants to keep one. But, of course, the answer is no. Um, yeah.
  • Penny does find a doe and a fawn for Jody to watch, though—which of course makes him want to keep it.
  • They eat lunch, and then keep hunting until Jody and Penny actually manage to shoot a buck.
  • As they're dressing the carcass, Penny teases Jody about a girl. He says Jody was holding hands with Eulalie at a festival, but Jody says it was just a game they were all playing. Jody's got a girlfriend, Jody's got a girlfriend!
  • They walk on into town, and sell most of the venison to Mr. Boyles, the shop owner.
  • Jody looks around the store, and Mr. Boyles offers to give him a dime's worth of anything he wants, since Penny doesn't get out there that often. Cha-ching!
  • He chooses a harmonica, and is very polite about it, so Mr. Boyles praises him to Penny.
  • Just then, Eulalie—who just happens to be Mr. Boyles's niece—shows up. Jody is filled with this crazy, irrational hate for her, and throws a potato at her.
  • Well, what else could a red-blooded, American boy do? Honestly!
  • Penny is furious, and says he can't have the harmonica now. He sends him outside to wait for him. Oooooh—he's in trouble
  • And now, here is the best advice that Penny gives Jody in the entire book. He asks him why he did it, and Jody says it was because she's ugly. Here it comes: "Well, son, you cain't go thru life chunkin' things at all the ugly women you meet" (11.144).
  • Let that be a lesson for all of you, Shmoopers.
  • They head over to Grandma Hutto's, who is thrilled to see them, and to get the venison and deer hide.
  • She is the polar opposite of Ory—super-feminine and welcoming.
  • They jump into the river to clean off, and then Grandma feeds them a fancy dinner.
  • Afterwards, a poor, pitiful man names Easy Ozell shows up. He's in love with Grandma, but hasn't got a chance. He rambles on about the war, and then drifts away.
  • As they go to bed, Jody tells Penny he'd like Grandma Hutto to be his real grandma. He'd want to stay in his own home, but have her move in, and get his Ma to do what she says.
  • Penny defends Ory, saying she lives rough because of him. And then—"'Pore boy,' he said, 'has got to grow up and learn women" (11.240). Ah, yes. Women.