The Yearling Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You Baxters has got guts, I'll say that" (15.168)

In a basically cashless economy (seriously, they trade a dog for a gun), you can't impress people with your flashy car or sweet new kicks. But you can impress people with your courage.

Quote #2

"Jody longed to talk of it, to cast away the spell of the tracking, and the fight, and the fear that had struck him" (4.112)

Jody would haven't called this talk therapy, but that's the general idea: he wants to talk through his fear. It may not sound like courage, but it's the first step to getting back out in the forest.

Quote #3

"He turned abruptly and began to push through the scrub in the direction of the clearing" (14.74)

Sometimes, courage isn't about how you feel or what you say: it's about what you do. We have no idea how Penny feels when the rattlesnake bites him, but we know how he acts—decisively and bravely.