Way of the Peaceful Warrior True or False

1. Who says, "In fact, you have no knowledge of where anything is or of what anything is or how it came to be. Life is a mystery.” -> Joy
2. Who says: With new determination, I promised myself, no seductive woman, donut, or piece of roasted cow flesh is going to benumb my will again. I'll master my impulses or die." -> A carburetor at the gas station
3. Who says, “Stressful thoughts reflect a conflict with reality. Stress happens when the mind resists what is." -> Socrates
4. Who says, “There is no need to search; achievement leads to nowhere. It makes no difference at all, so just be happy now!” -> Every single character
5. Who says, “Mind is an obstruction, an aggravation. It is a kind of evolutionary mistake in the human being, a primal weakness in the human experiment. I have no use for the mind.” -> Socrates
