The Wealth of Nations Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Wealth of Nations? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which of the following best defines "mercantilism"?

A country trying to export more than it imports
A country trying to get rid of trade barriers
A country completely shutting down its borders to trade
A country going bankrupt
Q. How quickly does Smith think mercantilism will fall after the publication of Wealth of Nations?

Not quickly at all
Almost immediately
Within ten years
Within twenty years
Q. If free trade is going to work, what must be able to move around as easily as capital?

Q. What does every person possess as the "foundation of all other property" according to Smith?

Their house
Their own labor
Their own two feet
Their families
Q. When it comes to speculating on the stock market, how do most people behave in Smith's mind?

Way too confidently
Too shyly