White Noise Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around White Noise? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is the original name of the Airborne Toxic Event?

A black billowing cloud
Insane giganto-smoke
A harmless puff of gas
A feathery plume
Q. What symptom of exposure to the Airborne Toxic Event does Steffie experience?

A sense of déja vu
Shaking hands
Q. The Airborne Toxic Event is made up of what toxic substance?

Nycemine 26
Hydrogen Peroxide
Nyodene D.
Human Methane
Q. At the evacuation site, Jack speaks to

A Jehovah's Witness
Murray Siskind
A representative from SIMUVAC
All of the above
Q. How long is Jack expected to live after exposure to the Airborne Toxic Event?

One month
Four years
Seven days
Thirty years