The Woman in White Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Do we know why Walter decides to tell this story? What clues can you find about his motives?
  2. What, if anything, is significant about Laura never getting to tell her own story in her own words?
  3. What makes this novel a detective novel?
  4. Time for a death match: who is the true villain in this book, Sir Percival or Count Fosco?
  5. How is the law used as a theme throughout the novel?
  6. Most of the mini-narratives we get emphasize the importance of facts. How does the novel reflect this concern with facts, particularly in style and tone?
  7. Can this novel be considered a morality tale? Does it have a strong moral message?
  8. How does travel function as a motif, or recurring theme, in the story? What does travel represent?