Woman on the Edge of Time Theme of Science

Woman on the Edge of Time is not a fan of modern-day science. Scientists in the novel mostly seem to want to experiment on people and put implants in their brains.

On the other hand, Mattapoisett imagines a world in which science helps create a paradise—automation allows people to avoid unpleasant jobs; growing children in tubes allows for gender equality. So it's not so much that science is evil, as it is that a bad society makes bad science and a good society can use science to make things better. If Dr. Frankenstein had been born in Mattapoisett, he would have built a happy monster (presuming the council had approved his project).

Questions About Science

  1. How is science used differently in Mattapoisett and the alternate, evil future Connie sees?
  2. Are the scientists in the hospital interested in helping Connie? Explain your answer.
  3. Does Luciente seem like a scientist to you? Why or why not?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

In Mattapoisett, science has transformed society.

In Mattapoisett, society has transformed science.